During the 2016-2017 school year, Marie Reed Elementary School (Ward 1) underwent a full building modernization. The renovation architects worked closely with the school and area residents to restore the building to its original intent by creating a space that brings together learning and the community. The modernization plans included a Legacy Walk, a prominently located space for a museum-quality exhibit about the school’s history.
Starting in October 2016, participating Marie Reed students in grades 2 – 5 met for an hour every week to uncover and explore the historical facts that tell the story of their school. By working with teachers, curators, historians, photographers, librarians, and community members, students got the chance to enhance critical thinking and life skills. They participated in historical walking tours of their community, visited museums and archives, created their own mini-exhibits with a shadow box memory project, interviewed long-term residents, conducted hands-on research, and searched for relevant historical photographs and imagery.